Welcome to the Baton Rouge Rose Society Website

The Baton Rouge Rose Society is a non-profit organization, affiliated with the American Rose Society (ARS), and sponsor of the Botanical Rose Garden at Independence Park. Our society participates in many rose events including local and national rose shows, garden tours, pruning demonstrations, and rose sales. We partner with the Botanic Garden, BREC, LSU, and the ARS to educate the public about the joys of rose growing.

The Baton Rouge Rose Society sometimes meets quartlt on the thrid Sunday of the month at the Independence Park Garden Center, at 7:00 P.M. Refer to the column to the left for specific meeting information. We are anxious to share our interest in growing and exhibiting our national flower with everyone. See the meeting schedule at left for meeting details.

If you are interested in learning more about growing roses in this area, please come to one of our events or check with this web site. If you have a question about growing roses, feel free to contact one of the consulting rosarians listed on the Contact Us page or simply send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

Baton Rouge Rose Society Activities

Propagaton Day, November 20, 2021

Above are some of the enthusiastic rose growers who came to Independence Park to propagate roses for their home gardens. The weather was perfect and many new friends were made.

At October 2016 Meeting on Rose Bonsai - from left Dawn Plaisance, Alla McMillan, Lowell Tilley, Chip Thompson, Carolyn DeRouen and Sandy Goudeau

Chip Thompson, Louisiana Bonsai Society, developed this unique rose bonsai. Thank you Chip - it is awesome!

Upcoming Events:

Spring Pruning Day
Saturday, February 17, 2024
9 to 11 AM
Independence Park
Botanic Rose Garden
Bring your pruners, hat and gloves and be ready for some fun rose work. Feel free to ask for help if you are not sure how to prune a certain rose. We have mostly old garden roses and shrub roses now that require very little pruning but there is still a lot to be done. This is a good time to hone your pruning skills, get advice from the experts and do some networking.
22nd Annual Baton Rouge Spring Garden Show
Friday March 8
5PM - 8PM
Saturday March 1
9 AM - 4PM
Sunday March 12
9 AM - 3 PM
John M. Parker Agricultural Coliseum
LSU Campus
General Admission $10/person;
Senior Admission $7/person
Children younger than twelve admitted free
Botanic Garden Spring Plant Sale
BREC's Independence Park
Saturday, April 13, 2024
8 AM to 12 PM
The BRRS will be at the spring sale with roses for sale and maybe some other pot plants. If you would like to help or have roses to donate for the sale, please call Dawn Plaisance at 225.964.0324.

Baton Rouge Rose Society

Holiday Social

2-4 PM Sunday

December 3, 2023

Hosted by Floyd and Frances Falcon

4302 French Village Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Let’s kick off the Holidays with a special gathering at the Falcon's. They will be serving their famous brisket along with good cheer. Bring something to share like an appetizer, salad, covered dish, etc. The club will supply the meat and the drinks. You supply the holiday cheer!

French Village Avenue is accessed from Bluebonnet Road which intersects Jefferson Highway just west of the major intersection with Bluebonnet Blvd. Call Frances at 225.636.9655 if you need more directions.
Call Dawn Plaisance at 225.964.0324 if you have any questions.

Propagation Day

November 19, 2023

9-11 AM

Baton Rouge Botanic Garden

Rose Garden

Learn the basics of rose propagation and take home some rose cuttings that may eventually grace your home garden. Propagation directions and advice will be available from experiened gardeners and in rpinted form. All necessary propagation materials will be provided. Light refreshments will be served.

September 9, 2023

Garden Discoveries: The Rose Without a Name
Goodwood Library
10:00 AM
The Baton Rouge Botanic Garden Foundation will host a FREE Garden Discoveries series event for families on Saturday, September 9 at 10 a.m. at the Main Library at Goodwood led by authors Nancy Rust and Carol Stubbs with special guest speaker Peggy Martin.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed Peggy Martin’s garden, which included over 400 roses. Only one rose, an unidentified pass-along rose, survived against incredible odds. The story quickly spread and touched hearts around the world. The rose became a symbol of hope and was officially named Peggy Martin Rose. Today the Peggy Martin Rose is grown in gardens everywhere. Special guest Peggy Martin will tell her true story of how the rose became a symbol of hope and resilienceNew text box

September 16, 2023
Pruning Day
Baton Rouge Botanic Gardens
Rose Garden
9-11 AM
Bring your pruners, hat and gloves. The roses will need a light pruning and possibly a little shaping to get ready for the fall bloom season which is usually our best. If the weather is still hot and dry as predicted today, the roses will just be cleared of diseased and dead wood. We have lost at least 4 roses at the garden to the heat in spite of watering with the sprinkler system and with garden hoses and several more look whipped by the heat.

Water and a few snacks will be provided for attendees.

August 12, 2023

Botanic Garden Plant Sale

Under the Crape Myrtles

Indepemdence Park

8:00 AM -12:oo PM


Spring Pruning Day

February 25, 2023
9 AM to 11 PM
Independence Park Rose Garden
Bring your pruners, hat and gloves and be ready for some fun rose work. Feel free to ask for help if you are not sure how to prune a certain rose. We have mostly old garden roses and shrub roses now that require very little pruning but there is still a lot to be done. This is a good time to hone your pruning skills, get advice from the experts and do some networking.
Note: The pruning date is scheduled a little later than normal due the hard freeze last month.
21st Annual
Baton Rouge Spring Garden Show
Saturday March 11 and
Sunday March 12, 2023
John M. Parker Agricultural Coliseum
LSU Campus

9 am–4 pm Saturday and Sunday. $7; children younger than twelve are free, as are LSU and Southern University students. Details at the LSU AgCenter's Facebook page or by calling (225) 578-1205.

Botanic Garden Spring Plant Sale

BREC's Independence Park
Saturday, April 15, 2023
8 AM to 12 PM

The BRRS will be at the spring sale with roses for sale and maybe some other pot plants. If you would like to help or have roses to donate for the sale, please call Dawn Plaisance at 225.964.0324.

Past Events:


Choosing Your Rose

Dr. Sheldon A. Johnson
October 16, 2022
2:00 PM
Garden Center,
7950 Independence Boulevard
Baton Rouge
Join Dr. Johnson as he discusses the history, types and selection of roses.
3rd Annual Propagation Day
Baton Rouge Botanical Gardens
Independence Park Rose Garden
November 19, 2022
Come learn to propagate some roses for yourself or for the society to sell next spring. The BRRS will provide the necessary propagation items and some light refreshments. Bring your pruners, gloves and a hat. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience with either roses or pruning.

Plant Sale


August 13, 2022

8 AM - 12 PM

Independence Park

Baton Rouge Botanic Gardens

Under the Crape Myrtles

Sale Includes


BRRS Fall Pruning
Baton Rouge Botanic Gardens

Independence Park Rose Garden
9-11 AM
September 17, 2022

Join the BRRS for the fall rose pruning event. Learn the best pruning techniques and help get the roses ready for the October bloom season. Just bring your pruners, gloves and a hat.


February 12, 2022

9-11 AM

Independence Park Rose Garden

Bring your clippers and join us as we get ready for spring with our semi-annual pruning.

The BREC Independence Park Spring Plant Sale

Saturday, April 9th, 2022

8AM to 12 Noon

BRRS Fall Pruning
Independence Park Rose Garden
9-11 AM
September 18, 2021

BRRS Fall Propagation Day
Independence Botanical Gardens

Rose Garden
9-11 AM
November 20, 2021

Independence Blvd. between Airport and Lobdell

Join us to propagate some roses for yourself or for the society to sell next spring. The BRRS will provide the necessary propagation items and some light refreshments.


Monday January 6, 2020

7:00 PM

Garden Center
7950 Independence Blvd
Baton Rouge


Presented by Dr. Allen Owings

Dr. Owings is currently serving as Region 7 Director for the American Rose Society. Region 7 includes Louisiana. He is retired from the LSU Ag Center where his focus was on extension programs providing service to nursery, landscape and garden center professionals. He is now employed by both Bracy’s Wholesale Nursery and Clegg’s Nursery. His professional activities and accomplishments are literally too numerous to mention. Dr. Owings is not only an expert plantsman but also a dynamic and entertaining speaker.

Feel free to bring a friend. Everyone is welcome.

If you would like to help with refreshments, reply to Dawn at [email protected].

Independence Park Plant Sale

Saturday April 13, 2019

8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Join us as we support the plant sale that raises money for the botanic gardens at Independence Park. We have many roses for sale including some of the new healthy shrubs planted in the Park rose garden. Come shop, buy or visit. All are welcome at this fun event.

Planting Day

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Independence Park Botanic Garden
Rose Garden

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Bring a shovel and your work boots as we will begin planting the empty beds, aka the “Annex”, on the west side of the rose garden.

There are at least 33 roses to be planted on March 23.

Please come and join the fun!

If you have questions or comments call Dawn at 225.964.0324.


9-11 AM

February 16, 2019

Independence Park Rose Garden

Bring your clippers and join us as we get ready for spring with our semi-annual pruning.

2019 Mid Winter Conference

February 8-9, 2019

American Rose Center

Shreveport, LA

The Gulf District Board of the American Rose Society invites you to the annual Mid Winter Workshop at The American Rose Center - Klima Hall in Shreveport, LA on Friday and Saturday, February 8 and 9, 2019.

Come join us on Friday afternoon, as registration will begin on at 1:00 pm. A free rose arrangement workshop will begin at 3:00 pm in the Gift Shop of Klima Hall. Make sure to browse the historical artwork from Civil War era Louisiana. A wine social will begin at 5:00 pm, giving everyone to visit with old friends and make new ones.

Friday evening dinner will be followed by a ”Year of the River” presentation marking the historical significance of the rivers of Louisiana including the introduction of formal gardens to Louisiana. Friday evening will conclude with the Gulf District’s award presentation.

Saturday morning will begin with opening remarks at 8:15am. Coffee, juice, donuts and more will be available!!! Saturday’s theme will focus on Making Your Garden Greatand conclude with our keynote speaker, Paul Zimmerman.

Register here.

Holiday Social

December 9, 2018

Floyd and Frances Falcon's

4302 French Village Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70809

4:00 PM

Come kick off the holidays with a special gathering at the Falcon's. They will be serving their famous brisket along with good cheer. Bring something to share like an appetizer, salad, covered dish, etc. The club will supply the drinks. You supply the holiday cheer!

Call Dawn at 225.964.0324 with questions.

French Village Avenue is accessed from Bluebonnet Road which interescts Jefferson Highway just west of the major intersection with Bluebonnet Blvd. Call Frances at 225.293-9992 if you need more directions.

Pruning At Independence Park Rose Garden

Saturday, September 8, 2018

9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Come help prune the roses at Independence Park and enjoy the other gardens. The new Butterfly Garden is especially nice this time of year.

Bring your pruners, clippers and whatever else you normally use for pruning.

Light refreshments will be served.

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